Donel Slonka, Special Education Teacher “When I first became a teacher 13 years ago, I would hear students say the word "retard". It was casually thrown around and I didn’t make a big deal about it. The next year I worked with a classroom aide who had a son with significant disabilities. I remember at the time the “R” word or “retard” was in my vocabulary outside of the classroom and I think I would use it casually, similarly to how people would say, “Oh, that's stupid; it's so gay,” or “This traffic is so retarded.” I didn't realize the impact that one small word could have on people until I started working with this aide who was adamant that the kids didn't use the “R” word in ANY context. Since then, I have always enforced that kids not use that word in my classroom. I don’t just enforce the rule but I explain to them why that word can be so hurtful. I feel like I’ve carried that message on to my friends, family and even strangers and I like